CategoryAdvanced Features

Advanced Paid Search Features

Dig into some of the most powerful advanced paid search features, from new competitive metrics and campaign experiments to hot-ticket automation like Smart Bidding and Dynamic Search Ads.

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Selecting a Bid Strategy: Top Two PPC Bid Strategies to Avoid

Selecting a bid strategy is pretty much the make-or-break Google Ads campaign setting. For novice advertisers, this decision passes by in a whisper of time. Many have no idea as to the nuances of the reign of terror they’ve just unleashed – an environment conducive to massive waste, masquerading as an ad campaign. When pay-per-click search advertising was invented, there was...

Statistics & PPC: There’s More You Can Do

This may be one of the shorter columns I bang out on the ol’ Lenovo X1 Carbon. My fingers have been cramping up of late. (So, no proofs, screen shots, product recommendations, or detailed how-to’s. Sometimes, this week included, I’ll mention ideas and leave it to you to learn more.) Last week, I promised a detailed plan for exploiting the Google Display Network...

This Hidden Trick in Campaign Experiments Will Blow Your Mind

Remember Deep Blue? In 1997, IBM’s supercomputer beat world chess champ Garry Kasparov in competition. Brute force computing power was starting to reign supreme over human intelligence, at least in a competitive game with a large, but more or less finite, set of possible moves. Computing an optimal single move to do at least as well as an opponent is one thing, but “thinking ten...

5 Suggested PPC Campaign Experiments, from Plain-Jane All the Way to Fancy-Dancy

Last time I enthused about the power of the Google Ads Campaign Drafts and Experiments architectural framework. This week, I’ll suggest five experiments to try. I’d love to hear about your own unique experiments, too! In terms of setup, as alluded to previously, the process will often be about the same. You outline a key change or “big idea” you want to test...

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About the Author

Andrew Goodman is Founder & President of Page Zero Media. His accomplishments include writing the first-ever full-length book about Google AdWords, heading up this Google Ads Premier Partner agency, maintaining a string of 48 consecutive speaking engagements at Search Engine Strategies in North America, co-founding a startup called HomeStars, and wearing the dickens out of a lab coat at the SMX Advanced session called Mad Scientists. His active lifestyle requires increasingly elaborate bowls of yogurt. He works from the Toronto office as well as a home office in Fredericton, NB.

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