CategoryMeasurement & Analytics

PPC Performance & Analytics

Measuring your PPC performance using PPC analytics and other paid search metrics is essential for optimizing your paid search campaigns. Get advice on what paid search metrics matter (and which ones you can ignore) and how you can use them to improve your PPC performance.

The Science of PPC is coming to a (virtual) bookshelf near you, featuring a collection of all 50 chapters. Sign up to receive your free ebook when it comes out in late 2021.

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The Future is Here: 7 Reasons Why the Coming Years are “Prime Time” for PPC

My grandfather-in-law came to Canada from Ireland with nothing and eventually found himself working a poor-soil “rock farm.” Combined with a lack of interest in farming, it made for some tough economic circumstances. Terrain matters. You don’t always have a choice. If you’ve actually chosen to make a living in digital marketing, I’m here to reassure you that the sun isn’t setting...

Pretty Little Liars: Low-Revenue PPC Conversions in Freemium B2B Models

Recently, I provided a small snapshot of accounts struggling with sagging conversion rates. This week, I’d like to address the sneaky phenomenon of accounts boasting pockets of mega-high “conversion rates,” and how that can actually be hurting financial performance. Of course, I’m not referring to conventional, easy-to-attribute, profitable sales. If your core ad targeting is...

PPC Forensic Files: Conversion Rate Problems You Can Solve At Your End

Low conversion rates are the bane of paid media campaigns. The simple math dictates that if you pay for nonperforming media, your ROI will be poor, and profit elusive. The targeting we rely on as PPC account managers is the driving force behind surgical efforts to show advertising to consumers (or business prospects) with high purchase intent. Sometimes, we make judgment calls to...

What Do We Know About “Unknown”? What May or May Not Be Going on Inside That Elusive Demographic Segment

Once upon a time, U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld noted: “…as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say, we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don’t know we don’t know. And if one looks throughout the history of our country and...

Four Misconceptions About Audiences for SEM

Audiences, layered over other means of targeting in PPC platforms like Google Ads, can provide us with further means of refinement in our marketing campaigns. If one delves into all of the available types of audiences, the prospects can seem tantalizing. For years, the main types of audiences used tended to be for remarketing. In many cases, that hasn’t changed. Not only can you...

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About the Author

Andrew Goodman is Founder & President of Page Zero Media. His accomplishments include writing the first-ever full-length book about Google AdWords, heading up this Google Ads Premier Partner agency, maintaining a string of 48 consecutive speaking engagements at Search Engine Strategies in North America, co-founding a startup called HomeStars, and wearing the dickens out of a lab coat at the SMX Advanced session called Mad Scientists. His active lifestyle requires increasingly elaborate bowls of yogurt. He works from the Toronto office as well as a home office in Fredericton, NB.

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