CategoryAdvanced Features

Advanced Paid Search Features

Dig into some of the most powerful advanced paid search features, from new competitive metrics and campaign experiments to hot-ticket automation like Smart Bidding and Dynamic Search Ads.

The Science of PPC is coming to a (virtual) bookshelf near you, featuring a collection of all 50 chapters. Sign up to receive your free ebook when it comes out in late 2021.

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Google Ads Campaign Experiments: A Controlled Environment to Test Almost Any PPC Campaign Strategy Theory

Note: this series is about ideas. It is not a step-by-step tutorial on how to navigate the ever-changing PPC advertising interfaces. Screen shots are employed selectively to elucidate the subject matter, but figuring out the precise order of implementation steps…that’s up to you. What more important topic is there to discuss under the heading of “The Science of PPC”...

Why “The Science of PPC”? Why 50 Parts?

In the many friendly sales conversations I’ve had with prospects over the years, I’ve occasionally been asked to cite three things that make our agency stand out from others. In my mind, I’m thinking: “Three? How about fifty? How long do you have?” And now, I’ve just said that out loud. It’s put-up-or-shut-up time. So, how do real pros...

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About the Author

Andrew Goodman is Founder & President of Page Zero Media. His accomplishments include writing the first-ever full-length book about Google AdWords, heading up this Google Ads Premier Partner agency, maintaining a string of 48 consecutive speaking engagements at Search Engine Strategies in North America, co-founding a startup called HomeStars, and wearing the dickens out of a lab coat at the SMX Advanced session called Mad Scientists. His active lifestyle requires increasingly elaborate bowls of yogurt. He works from the Toronto office as well as a home office in Fredericton, NB.

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