AuthorAndrew Goodman

Andrew Goodman is Founder & President of Page Zero Media. His accomplishments include writing the first-ever full-length book about Google AdWords, heading up this Google Ads Premier Partner agency, maintaining a string of 48 consecutive speaking engagements at Search Engine Strategies in North America, co-founding a startup called HomeStars, and wearing the dickens out of a lab coat at the SMX Advanced session called Mad Scientists. His active lifestyle requires increasingly elaborate bowls of yogurt. He works from the Toronto office as well as a home office in Fredericton, NB.

The Two Things You Must Absolutely Do (or Not Do) to Achieve PPC Success

“Do or do not. There is no try.” – Yoda Ol’ Yoda dispensed sage advice, but not for the reasons that amuse most observers. The thing that impresses me is that he included both “do” OR “do not”! A contingent mindset will make you more money than a bland how-to anytime. That’s why this 50-part series is not a bland how-to. The...

Fail to Succeed: Steer Clear of Overconfidence to Win at PPC

In what some readers interpreted as a piece of gentle advice to startup founders, Seth Godin recently took issue with the cocky approach to strategy embodied in the remark: “I don’t see how it could fail.” If you haven’t studied various ways that your product could fail to connect with its target market, then you might not have deep enough insight into how difficult the journey is...

Beautiful Snowflakes: The Unique Behaviors of Your Best Customers

Earlier today, Maya the cat (pictured below, foreground) was watching snowflakes out the window. She’s just a cat, so for her, it’s a mild diversion before her next nap. She’s never heard all that oohing and aahing about how every snowflake is unique. Being a marketer, and not a cat, the snowflakes made me think about a report in Google Analytics. Figure 1: Not...

A Focus Group of One: What Consumers Really Think of Your Google Ads

At the dawn of a new year after a restful holiday, I can’t help but reflect on all the great gifts I enjoyed over the holiday season and throughout the year. This despite it being the most challenging year ever, having lost my wonderful wife, Carolyn, to cancer in April 2019. I refer to family, friends, my Page Zero colleagues, and the many opportunities for growth that lie...

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About the Author

Andrew Goodman is Founder & President of Page Zero Media. His accomplishments include writing the first-ever full-length book about Google AdWords, heading up this Google Ads Premier Partner agency, maintaining a string of 48 consecutive speaking engagements at Search Engine Strategies in North America, co-founding a startup called HomeStars, and wearing the dickens out of a lab coat at the SMX Advanced session called Mad Scientists. His active lifestyle requires increasingly elaborate bowls of yogurt. He works from the Toronto office as well as a home office in Fredericton, NB.

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