AuthorAndrew Goodman

Andrew Goodman is Founder & President of Page Zero Media. His accomplishments include writing the first-ever full-length book about Google AdWords, heading up this Google Ads Premier Partner agency, maintaining a string of 48 consecutive speaking engagements at Search Engine Strategies in North America, co-founding a startup called HomeStars, and wearing the dickens out of a lab coat at the SMX Advanced session called Mad Scientists. His active lifestyle requires increasingly elaborate bowls of yogurt. He works from the Toronto office as well as a home office in Fredericton, NB.

The Future is Here: 7 Reasons Why the Coming Years are “Prime Time” for PPC

My grandfather-in-law came to Canada from Ireland with nothing and eventually found himself working a poor-soil “rock farm.” Combined with a lack of interest in farming, it made for some tough economic circumstances. Terrain matters. You don’t always have a choice. If you’ve actually chosen to make a living in digital marketing, I’m here to reassure you that the sun isn’t setting...

Why Google Ads Smart Bidding “Works”: The Mutual Fund Manager Analogy

A rising tide lifts all boats, goes the old proverb. Well, most boats. You can rule out those overloaded with anvils or built with holes in them. Consider a thriving sector with plenty of opportunity borne of technological changes or evolving consumer habits. To pick three random clients from our list, modern furniture, legal practice management in the cloud, and exercise...

Pretty Little Liars: Low-Revenue PPC Conversions in Freemium B2B Models

Recently, I provided a small snapshot of accounts struggling with sagging conversion rates. This week, I’d like to address the sneaky phenomenon of accounts boasting pockets of mega-high “conversion rates,” and how that can actually be hurting financial performance. Of course, I’m not referring to conventional, easy-to-attribute, profitable sales. If your core ad targeting is...

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About the Author

Andrew Goodman is Founder & President of Page Zero Media. His accomplishments include writing the first-ever full-length book about Google AdWords, heading up this Google Ads Premier Partner agency, maintaining a string of 48 consecutive speaking engagements at Search Engine Strategies in North America, co-founding a startup called HomeStars, and wearing the dickens out of a lab coat at the SMX Advanced session called Mad Scientists. His active lifestyle requires increasingly elaborate bowls of yogurt. He works from the Toronto office as well as a home office in Fredericton, NB.

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